Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Online applications for a Primary 1 place for September 2025 are now open via EA Connect. See more information in 'NEWS' below (10th & 14th January). Applications close at 12noon on Friday 24th January 2025. | AfterSchools information out on Tuesday 14th January (via Parentmail) - see NEWS below........ all dates/times on website calendar.  | How you book 'Little Stars' & 'Big Stars' is changing from February - this is to give parents more flexibility in a month of the days they wish to book.  More details to be issued before booking opens on Monday 20th January.  | P6 & P7 pupils have now started their rehearsals for their show 'Lights, Camera, Action' - ticket information will be out on Monday 20th January -dates/times on website calendar. | P7 parents - see details home on Monday 13th January re: Trip to Titanic in February.
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Week 2 - Reach “Resilience and well being programme”

26th Jan 2022

Today Katie from REACH came back to visit Primary 5WS to continue  the “Resilience and well being” programme. 

We started the session by using some play dough to model our emotions. We thought about things that made us feel happy, things that made us feel sad and things that made us feel calm. It was a fun way to think about our emotions and everyone was eager to talk about what they had made.

Then Katie helped us to think about what resilience actually is. She told us that if we are resilient we will be like a bouncy ball and bounce back if something worries or upsets us. It really helped us to understand. 

To finish off our session Katie talked to us about the five steps of well-being - connection, activity, giving, taking notice and learning. We talked about each of these in turn to ensure that we knew what they all meant.

We really enjoyed today’s activities and can’t wait for our next session!!