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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Lafayette Photography are in school this TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY taking individual and sibling group photos. Information on ordering your child's photograph will be home with them via a QR code receipt inside a small instruction leaflet. If you do not wish your child to have their photograph taken please let the office or your child's class teacher know by 9am on Tuesday 4th March.  | Thursday, Friday and next Monday sees the BOOK FAIR in school - all class visit times are on NEWS below (28/2/25) | P7 Swimming - last payment block now due - see Parentmail on Mon. 3rd.  | Spring pupil progress meetings with Class Teachers take place in 2 weeks time - Mon 17th March - Booking an appointment day/time will be via Parentmail from 6pm next Monday (10th). School closes at 12noon on St. Patrick's Day and the rest of this week at 1:30pm for all pupils. Little Stars/Big Stars will run from 1:30pm onwards from Tuesday - Friday of this week. 
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😄😃 A very busy Monday in Primary 5WS 😃😄

27th Mar 2023

Monday was a busy day in Primary 5WS! We had some visitors to our classroom today, helping us to learn.


In the morning Eve and Peter came in to tell us all about ‘Amazing Jesus’. We had lots of fun reading and listening to stories from the Bible. The story that we focused on today was ‘The feeding of the five thousand.’ To help us to try understand just how amazing this miracle was we all chose some food items to make a lunch for each person in our class and then worked out how much it would cost to feed everyone. It was a lot of money and that was only for thirty people! To finish off our lesson we thought about how Jesus wants us to be like him and help other people. 


In the afternoon Mrs McCann came to teach us some German. It was great fun! We met Felix the frog and Franzi the duck. We all learned how to say hello, how are you and goodbye in German and we had a simple conversation with our partner.


We are all looking forward to more of these lessons after Easter!