Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
UPDATE!!!!! As of THURSDAY 27th March - we have £293.00 in the POT........... that is already nearly £150.00 going to one household soon! Easter 'SPLIT THE POT' is opening on MONDAY 24th March - see NEWS below (24/3/25) The draw will take place on Thursday 10th April and the winner takes home IN CASH 'Half the pot' of money raised. | We are supporting SUSTRANS 'Big Walk & Wheel' - see NEWS below (19/3/25) | Little Stars/Big Stars booking OPENS this week for APRIL places....all bookings to be made by 12noon this Friday. | Our School online UNIFORM shop (under PARENTS tab) opens this week for any orders or pre-orders for SEP'25.... we are remaining very competitively priced in comparison to local stockists. | P1 parents - please see an invitation to a 'Stay & Play' session in NEWS below (24/3/25) | Good luck to our team of girls heading off to play in a local area Football Tournament this Wednesday. | See After schools information in NEWS below (Thurs. 20th March) - Cricket, Jujitsu and Rugby Clubs all begin this week......... | Monday 31st March - last day to order through school your child's Lafayette photograph- all proof envelope orders are being collected from school on Tuesday 1st April.  | Coming soon....Easter Raffle and Family 'TABLE QUIZ' information (Thursday 10th April @6:45pm)
open new window


February 2025 April 2025
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Sat 1

Sun 2

Mon 3
Milk at breaktime starts today
P7 Swimming
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Tue 4
Individual & sibling photographs taken by Lafayette Photography
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Wed 5
Individual & sibling photographs taken by Lafayette Photography
'Fresh Little Minds' workshops (P5JS/P5MM/P4JC)
PSNI visit to P1 (am )
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Thu 6
Travelling Book Fair in school
World Book Day ('Dress up as a 'Piece of vocabulary' )
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Fri 7
P2 Afterschools Art Club (2pm-3pm )
Travelling Book Fair in school
Library Van in school (KS2 classes)
P6 Afterschools Art Club (3pm-4pm )
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Sat 8

Sun 9

Mon 10
Nspcc 'Keeping Safe' week in school
Travelling Book Fair in school
P7 Swimming
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Tue 11
Nspcc 'Keeping Safe' week in school
Senior Cup Football Tournament (1:30pm - 3pm at Kells Muga )
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Wed 12
'Fresh Little Minds' workshops (P5JS/P5MM/P4JC)
P2 Pirate Day
Nspcc 'Keeping Safe' week in school
P7 Shared Education with Mary Queen of Peace (online) (am )
'Fresh Little Minds' Parent & Child workshop (2pm-3pm )
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Thu 13
Nspcc 'Keeping Safe' week in school
P7 Business Talk - Danske Bank (1pm-2pm )
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Fri 14
Nspcc 'Keeping Safe' week in school
Eco Schools - River Ridge Recycling Talk (2pm -3pm )
Book Exchange (World Book Day) event
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Sat 15

Sun 16

Mon 17
No Little Stars/Big Stars today
St.Patrick's Day - no canteen facilities (no Breakfast Club) and no Translink services - no school bus (School closes 12noon)
Pupil progress meetings ((pm) )
Tue 18
School Closes at 1:30pm for all pupils - both the 2pm & 3pm school bus will run as normal
Pupil progress meetings ((pm) )
Little Stars/Big Stars (1:30pm - 4.30pm)
Wed 19
P1/P2 'Beep Beep day' / Road Safety
Pupil progress meetings ((pm) )
School Closes at 1:30pm for all pupils - both the 2pm & 3pm school bus will run as normal
P7 Shared Education with Mary Queen of Peace (online) (am )
Eco Club (1:30pm- 3:15pm )
Little Stars/Big Stars (1:30pm - 4.30pm)
Thu 20
All State Cyber Safety talk to P6 & P7 pupils (11am-12noon)
School Closes at 1:30pm for all pupils - both the 2pm & 3pm school bus will run as normal
P5 'Shared Education' online ART lesson (am)
Pupil progress meetings ((pm) )
Little Stars/Big Stars (1:30pm - 4.30pm)
Fri 21
Library Van in school (KS2 classes)
School Closes at 1:30pm for all pupils - both the 2pm & 3pm school bus will run as normal
Comic Relief 'RED NOSE DAY' (Wear Red/Non-Uniform)
Pupil progress meetings ((pm) )
Little Stars/Big Stars (1:30pm - 4.30pm)
Sat 22

Sun 23

Mon 24
Online Uniform shop open (for delivery April)
'Big Walk & Wheel'
Little Stars/Big Stars payment booking open for APRIL
P7 Swimming
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Tue 25
P6/7 STEM Workshop
Online Uniform shop open (for delivery April)
'Big Walk & Wheel'
Little Stars/Big Stars payment booking open for APRIL
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Afterschools Cricket (3pm-4pm )
Wed 26
P7 Shared Education day with Mary Queen of Peace visiting Wrightbus Factory (am )
Online Uniform shop open (for delivery April)
'Big Walk & Wheel'
Primary School Area - Girls Football Tournament (pm )
Little Stars/Big Stars payment booking open for APRIL
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Eco Club (3pm- 4pm )
Thu 27
P5 'Shared Education' online ART lesson (am)
Online Uniform shop open (for delivery April)
Little Stars/Big Stars payment booking open for APRIL
'Big Walk & Wheel'
Sustrans 'Ditch the Stablisers' with P2 (am)
Afterschools JuJitsu (P1/P2/P3) (2pm-3pm )
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Afterschools JuJitsu (P4/P5/P6/P7) (3pm-4pm )
Fri 28
'Big Walk & Wheel'
Little Stars/Big Stars payment booking closes for APRIL (12 noon)
Online Uniform shop open (for delivery April)
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)
Afterschools Rugby P1/P2 (2pm-3pm )
Afterschools Rugby P5/P6 (3pm-4pm )
Sat 29

Sun 30

Mon 31
'Big Walk & Wheel'
Milk at breaktime payment open
P7 Swimming
Little Stars/Big Stars (2pm - 4.30pm)