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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Little Stars & Big Stars - booking now open for places at the club in JANUARY - See Parentmail for details. | 'Split the Pot' update - as of Monday 16th December we have a total of £1015.00 sitting in 'our pot'!! with 3 days to go..... Someone will be getting a BIG CASH prize this Thursday! | The 'SPLIT THE POT' draw will take place this THURSDAY at 1pm - winner will be notified before 2pm. Someone is winning over £500.00 in cash.....!!  | On Wednesday the whole school is going to the CINEMA - any pupils not going to the cinema start school at 12noon. An attendance mark will be given to all pupils on Wednesday.  | Thursday and Friday this week are both NON-UNIFORM days. | Sustrans 'Journey to Santa' concludes this Friday - all completed 'active travel' journey sheets will be entered into a prize draw this Friday. (see NEWS 25/11/24) | School closes at 12noon on FRIDAY.... the school bus will run at 12noon. There is no 'Little Stars'/'Big Stars' club.  Breakfast Club and Breaktime snacks are all available. | Our new modular classroom works is underway..... please be aware of site traffic and works whilst moving around the school grounds. This work is happening at the bottom end of the P1/4 side of the school. School traffic at drop off and pick up times must not block the site entrance/exit area. | P7 - Swimming starts on Mon.6th January - Payment details are out via PARENTMAIL on Mon. 9th Dec. | Well done to our P1/2 pupils who did an amazing job performing their Nativity Play - have a look at their video snippets from their Dress Rehearsal show on Monday 2nd December. (Under 'NEWS')
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Learning about ‘The Water Cycle’ in Primary 5WS

18th Jan 2022